Empyrion: Galactic Survival Wiki

Index: Console Commands

Replace Blocks[ | ]

Help Description[ | ]

"Replaces the specified blocks in the specified structure."

Custom description[ | ]

The replaceblocks console command was introduced in Alpha 4.0.2 to convert old style blocks into new style blocks, this can also be used to replace existing new style blocks en masse with a different type (say windows to armored windows). This should only be used in creative and not on a server!

Some block names are listed below, as examples.

For a (mostly complete) list of all blocks, please refer to the file "Localization.csv", located in <YourGameDirectory>/Content/Extras/

Simply search the file for the block you are looking to replace (For instance 'Armored Concrete Block', or 'Gepanzerter Betonblock' if you're german. Localization is somewhat supported, as it is the file used to provide the ingame names.

What you are looking for, is the first entry, the KEY, in the Armored concrete block example, that would be ConcreteArmoredFull or ConcreteArmoredThin or ConcreteArmoredBlocks.

Please take care when using the command, as there is no undo. Use at your own risk.

ConcreteArmoredFull,Armored Concrete Block,Gepanzerter Betonblock,Bloc béton armé,Blocco di Cemento Armato,Bloque de hormigón armado,,Bloco de Concreto Reforçado,Blok żelbetowy,Укрепленный бетонный блок,強化コンクリート・ブロック,加固水泥方块,,,,Ενισχυμένο Τσιμεντένιο Μπλοκ,,Khối bê tông bọc thép

Note, that it is the first row you are interested in.

Please note: IF you change from one material to another, you MIGHT lose the applied textures as not all of the textures are the same for all blocks!
To check this, use the texture tool and point at a steel or concrete block (You'll see the difference in the texture availablity!)

Permission Required[ | ]


Syntax[ | ]

How the Replaceblocks console command works:

Syntax: replaceblocks <entityid> <source blockname> <target blockname> <optional: index name>

Note, that Entityid must be a CV/SV/HV/BA

In order to obtain the EntityID, either use 'di' (debug info), which opens a box, showing extended information on what you are looking at.

Alternatively use the 'ents' command. This will list all entities on the playfield. Pick the corresponding one, for the structure, you wish the command to affect.

[ ERROR PARSING ENTITY ID ] this occurs when the <entityid> is not entered correctly. The <entityid> is just a 4 or 8 digit number without <>. Thus if a BA ID is (00001016) a correct syntax would read as follows:
replaceblocks 1016 ConcreteFull ConcreteArmoredFull or replaceblocks 00001016 ConcreteFull ConcreteArmoredFull

Examples for converting old to new blocks for a CV/BA:
replaceblocks <entityid> HullFull HullFullLarge
replaceblocks <entityid> HullThin HullThinLarge
replaceblocks <entityid> HullArmoredFull HullArmoredFullLarge
replaceblocks <entityid> HullArmoredThin HullArmoredThinLarge
replaceblocks <entityid> HullSmallBlocks HullLargeBlocks
replaceblocks <entityid> HullArmoredSmallBlocks HullArmoredLargeBlocks
(please do not use the index name at the end)

Examples for converting old to new blocks for a SV/HV:

replaceblocks <entityid> HullFullSmall HullFull

replaceblocks <entityid> HullThinSmall HullThin

Additional Documentation[ | ]


The table below lists the internal block group names for all of the primary construction blocks. Using these group names as the source and target blocknames will replace all blocks of the source type on the structure with the matching block of the target type. This action cannot be undone using the build menu's Undo button. Always save a blueprint before using the replaceblocks command!

Material Platform Block Group Name
Wood Blocks BA WoodBlocks
Concrete Blocks BA ConcreteBlocks
Armored Concrete Blocks BA ConcreteArmoredBlocks
Carbon Composite Blocks L BA, CV PlasticLargeBlocks
Steel Blocks L BA, CV HullLargeBlocks
Hardened Steel Blocks L BA, CV HullArmoredLargeBlocks
Combat Steel Blocks L BA, CV HullCombatLargeBlocks
Xeno Steel Blocks BA, CV AlienLargeBlocks
Alien Building Blocks BA (POI), CV (POI) AlienBlocks
Carbon Composite Blocks S HV, SV PlasticSmallBlocks
Steel Blocks S HV, SV HullSmallBlocks
Hardened Steel Blocks S HV, SV HullArmoredSmallBlocks
Combat Steel Blocks S HV HullCombatSmallBlocks

Alternately you may choose to convert only certain child block sets of each group. To convert all blocks on a structure from one material to another using the child block sets may require using 9 separate commands, replacing the Full, Thin, Extended, and Extended2-7 shape categories. When converting bock materials, convert between the same type in each column (ex: WoodExtended3 to ConcreteExtended3). If you convert across columns your block shapes will change and it cannot be undone. Always save a blueprint before using the replaceblocks command!

Material Platform Prefix/Suffix Full Thin Extended Extended2 Extended3 Extended4 Extended5 Extended6 Extended7
Wood Blocks BA Wood WoodFull WoodThin WoodExtended WoodExtended2 WoodExtended3 WoodExtended4 WoodExtended5 WoodExtended6 WoodExtended7
Concrete Blocks BA Concrete ConcreteFull ConcreteThin ConcreteExtended ConcreteExtended2 ConcreteExtended3 ConcreteExtended4 ConcreteExtended5 ConcreteExtended6 ConcreteExtended7
Armored Concrete Blocks BA ConcreteArmored ConcreteArmoredFull ConcreteArmoredThin ConcreteArmoredExtended ConcreteArmoredExtended2 ConcreteArmoredExtended3 ConcreteArmoredExtended4 ConcreteArmoredExtended5 ConcreteArmoredExtended6 ConcreteArmoredExtended7
Carbon Composite Blocks L BA, CV Plastic/Large PlasticFullLarge PlasticThinLarge PlasticExtendedLarge PlasticExtendedLarge2 PlasticExtendedLarge3 PlasticExtendedLarge4 PlasticExtendedLarge5 PlasticExtendedLarge6 PlasticExtendedLarge7
Steel Blocks L BA, CV Hull/Large HullFullLarge HullThinLarge HullExtendedLarge HullExtendedLarge2 HullExtendedLarge3 HullExtendedLarge4 HullExtendedLarge5 HullExtendedLarge6 HullExtendedLarge7
Hardened Steel Blocks L BA, CV HullArmored/Large HullArmoredFullLarge HullArmoredThinLarge HullArmoredExtendedLarge HullArmoredExtendedLarge2 HullArmoredExtendedLarge3 HullArmoredExtendedLarge4 HullArmoredExtendedLarge5 HullArmoredExtendedLarge6 HullArmoredExtendedLarge7
Combat Steel Blocks L BA, CV HullCombat/


HullCombatFullLarge HullCombatThinLarge HullCombatExtendedLarge HullCombatExtendedLarge2 HullCombatExtendedLarge3 HullCombatExtendedLarge4 HullCombatExtendedLarge5 HullCombatExtendedLarge6 HullCombatExtendedLarge7
Xeno Steel Blocks BA, CV Alien/Large AlienFullLarge AlienThinLarge AlienExtendedLarge AlienExtendedLarge2 AlienExtendedLarge3 AlienExtendedLarge4 AlienExtendedLarge5 AlienExtendedLarge6 AlienExtendedLarge7
Alien Building Blocks BA (POI), CV (POI) Alien AlienFull AlienThin AlienExtended AlienExtended2 AlienExtended3 AlienExtended4 AlienExtended5 AlienExtended6 AlienExtended7
Carbon Composite Blocks S HV, SV Plastic/Small PlasticFullSmall PlasticThinSmall PlasticExtendedSmall PlasticExtendedSmall2 PlasticExtendedSmall3 PlasticExtendedSmall4 PlasticExtendedSmall5 PlasticExtendedSmall6 PlasticExtendedSmall7
Steel Blocks S HV, SV Hull/Small HullFullSmall HullThinSmall HullExtendedSmall HullExtendedSmall2 HullExtendedSmall3 HullExtendedSmall4 HullExtendedSmall5 HullExtendedSmall6 HullExtendedSmall7
Hardened Steel Blocks S HV, SV HullArmored/Small HullArmoredFullSmall HullArmoredThinSmall HullArmoredExtendedSmall HullArmoredExtendedSmall2 HullArmoredExtendedSmall3 HullArmoredExtendedSmall4 HullArmoredExtendedSmall5 HullArmoredExtendedSmall6 HullArmoredExtendedSmall7
Combat Steel Blocks S HV HullCombat/Small HullCombatFullSmall HullCombatThinSmall HullCombatExtendedSmall HullCombatExtendedSmall2 HullCombatExtendedSmall3 HullCombatExtendedSmall4 HullCombatExtendedSmall5 HullCombatExtendedSmall6 HullCombatExtendedSmall7

TrussCube, TrussWedge, TrussCorner


Normal Windows:
Window_v1x1, Window_v1x2, Window_v2x2, Window_s1x1, Window_s1x2, Window_sd1x1, Window_sd1x2, Window_sd1x2V2, Window_c1x1, Window_c1x2, Window_cr1x1, Window_crc1x1, Window_crsd1x1 Window_v1x1Inv, Window_v1x2Inv, Window_v2x2Inv, Window_s1x1Inv, Window_s1x2Inv, Window_sd1x1Inv, Window_sd1x2Inv, Window_sd1x2V2Inv, Window_c1x1Inv, Window_c1x2Inv, Window_cr1x1Inv, Window_crc1x1Inv, Window_crsd1x1Inv

Armored Windows:
Window_v1x1Thick, Window_v1x2Thick, Window_v2x2Thick, Window_s1x1Thick, Window_s1x2Thick, Window_sd1x1Thick, Window_sd1x2Thick, Window_sd1x2V2Thick, Window_c1x1Thick, Window_c1x2Thick, Window_cr1x1Thick, Window_crc1x1Thick, Window_crsd1x1Thick Window_v1x1ThickInv, Window_v1x2ThickInv, Window_v2x2ThickInv, Window_s1x1ThickInv, Window_s1x2ThickInv, Window_sd1x1ThickInv, Window_sd1x2ThickInv, Window_sd1x2V2ThickInv, Window_c1x1ThickInv, Window_c1x2ThickInv, Window_cr1x1ThickInv, Window_crc1x1ThickInv, Window_crsd1x1ThickInv

Shutter Windows:
WindowVertShutterArmored, WindowSlopedShutterArmored, WindowSloped2ShutterArmored, WindowVertShutterTransArmored, WindowSlopedShutterTransArmored

replaceblocks <entityid> Window_v1x1 Window_v1x1 1
replaceblocks <entityid> Window_sd1x2Thick Window_sd1x2Thick 1
replaceblocks <entityid> WindowVertShutterArmored WindowVertShutterArmored 1
....and so on
Important: you have to add the index 1 at the end!


You may additionally specify 'empty' or '0' (zero) to use an empty blockspace. This can be useful for mass removal of one type of block, like container extensions.

Singleplayer Notes[ | ]


Multiplayer Notes[ | ]


History[ | ]

  • 1.10.4: Added high-level group names that replace all child block groups with a single command
  • 1.10: Added new "extended7" child block group to support new shapes
  • Alpha 4.0.2 : Introduced replaceblocks Command